Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Strong Winds!?

Philippines - A bus fell from the the Skyway (link to wiki) as it was traveling southbound from the City of Makati to Muntinlupa City.  According to the bus conductor/inspector the bus bus was cruising at around 70 kph when it was supposedly hit by a strong wind which cause the bus driver to lose control and fall of the near Parañaque City.

What a load of crap!  Do you really believe that the Filipino people are that naive and gullible?  Come on, come up with a better excuse!  CCTV footage shows the bus was racing with another vehicle!  And the bus was not even supposed to be plying the Skyway!  It was violation of your franchise!
Reports have confirmed that the CCTV cameras caught the bus owned by Dimples Start Transport bus company, was racing with another vehicle and that the accident was cased by the driver's recklessness.  No pun to the driver that died, but this it what happens to reckless drivers!

The current system of paying drivers with commissions based on the number of passengers they have and the number of trips they go on should change!  There should be fixed income for bus drivers.  This would alleviate the traffic jams bus drivers cause when they literally make EDSA (Epifanio Delos Santos Avenue) and every other highway a parking lot waiting for their buses to be crammed with passengers like a can of sardines!

Lives of innocents are at stake here.  As a public transport (common carrier), extraordinary diligence is required, apparently extraordinary diligence for bus companies mean being careless and consider only the profit without thinking about the lives of the commuting passengers.

Reports say that the President Benigno S. Aquino III (Noynoy) is displeased with the incident.  Well he should be.  He is a reformist.  This is one of the things he should reform!

The bus company was suspended, but that should not end their, the franchise should be cancelled and the owners banned from owning any public transportation franchise for life.  The management and the owners of the Bus Company should be prosecuted for criminal negligence and willfully encouraging the reckless behaviors of their drivers and employees and the conductor and the bus company's representatives prosecuted for giving false and misleading information to the investigators.

The passengers and their relatives should file a civil case against the Dimple Bus Company for all its assets.  Include a praying for Temporary Restraining Order to freeze all the bank accounts of the bus company so that it won't be syphoned of to the owners' (and their dummies) personal accounts.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Last Airbender: The Legend of Korra

We woke up to a stormy day and thought about the grind of a long sleepy day, then all of a sudden something brightened our day.  We received this link to The Last Airbender (TLA).  At first we thought it was, the second live movie, and we were desperately hoping that this won't be directed by M. Night Shyamalan!  Don;t get us wrong M. Night could direct a suspense/thriller movie but a fantasy?  Better to leave it at the hand of the other "Avatar" movie creator, James Cameron.

The Last Airbender:  The Legend of Korra

We were pleasantly surprised that it was a continuation of the animation version of Avatar: The Last Airbender!

From the trailer alone see Korra use  fire bending and water bending abilities.  Whether Korra can use earth and air bending still remains to be seen.

Also a Sokka-like character, appears at the end saying "fake Avatar" pointing at Korra may mean something.  Some of us actually believes it is Sokka himself and that this series happens immediately after the end of the Avatar: The Legend of Aang series.  There are also speculations wether Korra is Aang's child and perhaps the next Avatar.

At the end of the discussion?  We just hope Nickelodeon won't "kidify" this series or it will be a waste.  We see the potential are excitedly waiting for its premiere.

Oh Clark! (Reboot)

It appears that the image the Superman nightmare of the post was too small.  So we are rebooting it with a better resolution image.
Hope this makes it better for you guys!

Kids are Adorable... RIght? Right?! RIGHT?!

These are amazing and funny images of kids (and babies?).  I just had to share this.  Feels like such a waste keeping this to myself!  So here is the story that goes through my mind.

The Strong Kid

I started out out as a very strong kid.  I could lift cars with one hand see?

My father was very supportive and taught me how to wrestle.  Of course my siblings were no match for me...

So I tried challenging the Yokozuna but realized that I was no match for the giant...

I ended up playing basketball, and you know what, basketball is painful!  Well if you were the guy I hit in the groin when I first played that is!

The Misguided Child

Ok so I am a guy.  and I am curious about certain things.  What do girls hide under their skirts?

I can't see it even with girls my age...

Ummm they all look the same right?

Damn I've been doing this since I was a kid and still I have no clue!

Maybe this happened to me when I was young...

Birthday Humor Fun Baby Adult Friend Greeting Card (5x7) by QuickieCards. Always Fast FREE Shipping

Monday, July 25, 2011

Hot Damn!

Why are dumbed blondes attractive?  Is it because they are as gullible as FORREST GUMP (Don' know who Forrest Gump  is? Click the link)?  Some would say it is their innocent charm.  We say its because they act stupid but they look hot doing It!

These girls are not blond, they may not be dumb, but they do stupid things but still look hot! 

Really?  What do you expect to find in the oven?

Who would have thought the hot secretary was up for it?

If Superman and Batman can do it, why can't she right?

So what do you think?  Reminds me of Hoku's Dumb Blonde!

Another Dumb Blonde

Monday, July 18, 2011

Could You?

You know those times when you just have to go?

Yes, when you were feeling this way?

When you don't feel so...

Could Imagine doing so in this situation?

Unusual  Restrooms
Or in this?

Or would you rather have this?

For the females...

Or would this be more attractive?

Not so comforting right?  Would you still be able to think of doing this in coed restroom?

But this sign though is really provocative...

Pair Solid Brass Art Deco Lady Gentleman Restroom Plaques Signs
Neon Sign - Restrooms Logo - Large 13" x 32"

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Cake Anyone?

Shit Cake
Now that's take cake creations Creative Cakes Anyone Can Make to a different level!  We've seen not so pretty cupcakes before, but isn't this taking it a bit too far?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Guitar Hero Anyone?

Apparently there is a picture of a very beautiful girl in a sexy outfit playing Guitar Hero or Rock Band or some other computer game circulating the net.  Somehow we got our hand on it and we are posting it... now.

Hot Damn!
Well if someone asked we should start playing guitar games before I saw this picture I would have not needed to think about it to say NO.  After seeing this pic?  Well, I wouldn't have to think twice about saying Yes!

We just have to say thank you Castle Age!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Ready to Tweet?

Nice "Tweets!"
Twitter is the in thing in online "micro blogs,"  but advertising with a HOT chick?  Priceless!   If you don't know what Twitter is then you might want to check Twitter For Dummies.  But that model?  Dummy or not, you know she's so damn fine!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Paid to Play?

Really?  I came across this article one of my friends wrote in  Triond.  It's called Paid-to-play: Anno1777 and Dungeons & Treasures.  It appears that some game developers have decided to share their online earnings with the game players.

The idea is novel, taking the entrepreneurial tendencies of those playing popular role playing games such as World of Warcraft and Ragnarok Online into consideration.  But will it work?  According to the author, Anno1777 and Dungeons & Treasures are "legit paying sites."  From what I gather it only means that the games does what it says it does, meaning you get enough online cash, you can withdraw it.

Dungeons & Treasures

You can play these games for free and still earn.  For those who want to have an advantage in the game in power/strength or earning capacity, both ANNO1777 and Dungeons & Treasures, have the option of letting its gamers invest real money to convert it into game money.

If you love playing these kind of games... why not earn while doing so right?

Internet Riches: The Simple Money-Making Secrets of Online Millionaires

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

That Just Looks So Wrong! Part 1A - Baseball 2.

In any sport, there is always animosity between opposing teams and players.  So when this happens...

Sosa Hit in the Head by a Fastball
This usually follows...

Great Punch! Even Better Evasion!
You've got to admit that that looked like a great punch!  But if your guy misses his opponent in the baseball field... fans tend to take matters into their own hand...

I got it!
Still trying to save that home run? Think again!  Damn great save by the fan!  Don;t know how this would be called though...

MLB Bloopers: The Funny Side Of Baseball

For more funny moments in baseball you may want to check out MLB Bloopers: The Funny Side Of Baseball.